Monday, December 15, 2008

A reMinder for Moodle

Although it may seem premature to be thinking about J-Term with fall semester just drawing to a close, remember to get your e-reserves for January to the library as soon as you can. The quicker I get 'em, the quicker they get posted! If you're really ahead of the ball game, I'm also able to post spring semester readings, too.

If you're the adventurous type with lots of time on your hands, you can always upload or reactivate your readings yourself. If you do so, please be observant of copyright law. Visit this library page for more detailed information on e-reserves, Moodle, and copyright.

Curious about the name 'Moodle?' Moodle's creator Martin Dougiamas reports:
It's a verb in English but not very well known ... I had heard of the word even though it only appears in larger dictionaries.

When coming up with a name for my system I remember sitting down one evening trying to come up with a word that:
  1. was an acronym (because I like hidden meanings)
  2. was a word you could say easily
  3. was not common on the internet (so searches could find it)
  4. had a domain name free
So now you know!

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