Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Faculty Anthology

In honor of Open Access Week, we have published an open access anthology of faculty insights into their teaching, their scholarship, the ways they serve the community, and how their work aligns with the mission of the college. Fifteen faculty members generously volunteered to make statements they originally wrote for tenure and promotion public. We compiled them using a nifty new publishing platform for books developed by Hugh McGuire. Using this platform, based on Wordpress, we were able to make the book available on the web, as a PDF, and as an ePub ebook. To make it simple to load the book on a Kindle, we also created a mobi-format version, using Calibre, a nifty open source ebook converter.

The content of this anthology was too good not to share it beyond its original small audience - the members of the hardworking Personnel Committee. We thought it was a good idea for everyone to have a chance to read these interesting and inspiring statements.

It didn't cost us anything to publish and distribute it online, other than a little time. What a difference from the process described in this 1947 film about "Making Books."

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